Friday, 20 July 2012

The Kimberley - Part 1

We've seen our first wild camel, the cattle look strange:

and there are all these odd birds, including tame peacocks at Sandfire!. 

The weather is hot!! We're now in the far north west. Yesterday we arrived in Broome. It has a fascinating history, and we spent some hours going through the museum looking at its life as capital of the pearling industry, its WW2 years, and then its decline. 

Roebuck Bay

The Famous Cable Beach

Our new problem

It has since been resurrected by the tourism - in a really big way! It is now famous for its pearl shops, and its resort life at Cable Beach.

Mother of Pearl Carvings by Aboriginies

 This one is worth $100,000. Unfortunately, the VISA card bounced!

This is the Japanese Cemetery in Broome. Hundreds of Japanese divers lost their lives diving for Pearl Shells prior to WW2.

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